Monday, July 22, 2013

hot like crazy

I want to dive in a swimmingpool, lake or in the sea! We had bad weather for such a long time, so I don't complain.... but I want a pool badly;-)
Wish you a good start in this week!


  1. you just made my day with this drawing *laughing out loud

  2. yes, yes, you made me laugh, me too.
    Thank you. I love the absurd images. and you are an expert in this.
    this is a perfect example of how an idea in a picture, drawing or painting, finish closing the circle on the head of viewer, because what amuses me is to think of the girl in the water, wearing clothes and shoes. something that you do not show, but I imagine. I love this, Celine!!!! :))
    good week for you too!

  3. Hey, C - Wish i could zap you come of our cool foggy weather! I would gladly swap you. Happy week, my friend!

  4. Oh Celine, if only you lived closer, I would take you to the sea for cooling swims after dinner. Sitting in kiddie pools help. It was a life safe for me years ago when I was VERY pregnant with my 2nd child. I was so hot I just didn't care what the neighbours thought. xo Carole

  5. hej, du kannst bei uns vorbeikommen und deine füße in unserem bach kühlen ;-)! in meiner neuen kiste wird heute auch geschwommen - lustig!!
    liebe grüße von mano

  6. happy monday to you too xxx

  7. Ah, yes, it's so hot in Holland! A real summer! I had a swim in the canal near by and it was lovely. Nice shoes!

  8. Haha! Ich würd jetzt auch gern in den Pool hüpfen! Gleich mit Klamotten, egal, hauptsache abkühlen! *schwitz*


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