Monday, January 27, 2014

like a thread

So this weekend I started something new. A test with some vintage, crotchet coasters (if that is the correct word…) You know: you can use them for your coffee-table or so,  you find them mostly in older peoples home ;-) I prepared them with wallpaper glue so they can't bend anymore. I let them dry and then started to decorate them with thread and yarn. It is a little project for our new home, but I also got some inspiration for my own work. Lets see….maybe…this turned out to be a bit more work then I thought, as always. So you have to wait for the final results, have a good week all of you!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

back to work!

My studio is kind of ready so I can start drawing again, I feel kind of rusty, haha! So lets start with something I know: girls and bunnies ;-) And at the same time some new designs for pendants and necklaces for my shop.

Thank you for your sweet comments on my last two post, it really means a lot to me!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

drawing challenge

The first drawing challenge of this new year and it is hosted by Tammie Lee and her theme is "numen": "the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place, or devine presence referring to the idea of magical power residing in an object or place".

A perfect theme for me to start this year! I always collected things, objects, stones or stuff that people made for me, I surround myself with them. I feel protected by them and I hope that they give me strength. They make me feel safe. To have stones or plants in my home gives me the feeling of the power that nature has, the beauty of it. And because I moved to a new place, me and my boyfriend are searching for a commination of our "spirits", to combine our little things were we find magic in. Now I think of it, that went really easy, to find places for our things and let them be next to each other. Like in the picture above. Between the stones you can see small woman made out of clay. I made them years ago for a project. These were not not the ones I used, but I kept them because they give me the felling of power-woman, like mother earth, ha!

The next picture is in my studio. It's a combination of the things I made and a drawing that Roberto made for me which is very dear to me. I look at it if a doubt myself as an artist and it makes me smile that someone who I only met through blogin made something for me, it is a positive vibe!

The last picture I like to show you are real spirits, at least I hope so ;-) They are from Finland, Africa, Greenland and again Africa. They were all gifts to me from my parents and sister. I hope they do get along, standing so close to each other. I hope their powers work together...

This time no drawing but a sneak-peak into my home. This theme fits so well in the situation that I'm in right now that I decided not to draw for ones.

For more spirits please visit the wonderful blog beauty flows!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

in memory...

...of my beautiful mother. This year your lost seems even harder, maybe because of the changes in my life which I can not share with you. All I can do is think of you, bring you flowers or light a candle, make you a drawing.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm back!

I hope you all had a good start in the new year! Mine was pretty busy and exciting. For one week I'm now living in my new home, we are kind of settled in. My little studio is now ready to work in, my computer is running again and my first painting is up on the wall. We have still some small things do to, to fix and to decorate but we have time to do that. I try to find the time to post again here, to draw and to comment on your blogs. Maybe that will also take some time and maybe I'll show you some more of our decoration skills ;-) A new beginning this is!