Saturday, June 1, 2013

drawing challenge

This weeks host for the drawing challenge is Renilde and her theme is "key/hole". I don't know why, but I thought about a lot of rooms together, with a lot of keys, like hotels. Maybe because I need a break, haha!  So I made a key that should keep people out of your room. Now I think about it, I made the opposite of a key. And I'm still a bit inspired by the last challenge about words. Well, I hope I could at least make you smile...

For more keys, go to the beautiful blog of Renilde!


  1. Celine this little card, achieved more than one people would want to spy by the keyhole of your room.
    I suggest that in the inner side, fill the hole in the lock with a paper or a handkerchief, or something so no one can spy on you.
    I loved it! :))))))
    good weekend!

  2. you did make me smile because this is so you, that twist you give it,making a not-key that's more key than a real key(if you still follow me),love the way your (creative) brain works my dear, hope you get that break soon :) xx

  3. yes, you could! Du brauchst eine Pause und ich geniesse meine, indem ich bei Dir vorbeischaue, schön und lustig und zwei drei deutig immer auch ein bisschen anders... kein Schlüssel und kein Loch oder doch?!?
    Ich mag es!
    x Stefanie

  4. it is fun to see how key inspires each of us
    i love the light in the door window

  5. You make me smile, Celine!
    A very amusing take on the key theme. -sus

  6. ;^))
    i like your twist on this theme
    and yes, you make me smile
    like you
    i am still into sentences ;^))

    Patrice A.

  7. you FOR SURE made me smile!!
    why doesn't that drawing already exist in hotes, he?
    hey? gat in de markt, celine! patent!!

  8. Hat funktioniert mit dem Lächeln :-) Ich mag Deine Tür und bin dann mal schnell leise um nicht zu stören ;-)
    Meike ♥

  9. Ja, bei mir auch, deine Beiträge zaubern immern ein Lächeln in mein Gesicht, jetzt wo ich mich über die niedlichen Häschen wieder beruhigt habe.

  10. Hahaha, dear Celine,
    you show us with the sign what is perhaps for a secret is going on inside... thats like a key!
    Yes, I smile :)

    May I invite you for the next dc?


  11. pssst!!! ich geh dann mal wieder!
    soooo witzig, liebe céline - ich musste lachen und grinsen zugleich!
    liebe grüße von mano

  12. Okay, call me slow, but I wondered and wondered for half of a nano-second, why in heck anyone would put a sign on their doorknob saying that they are doing cardiopulmonary‎ resuscitation? Then I got it. Then I smacked myself on the forehead. I need a life, basically! HA! N, xo

  13. Haha, have fun behind that door, guys! :o))

    Well, that sign raises nosiness...if there's no keyhole I would at least put my ear on the door...hihi!


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