Tuesday, August 6, 2013

think, think, think!

That's the question, right? I often drive myself crazy thinking too much and then there's this point where you just don't know what to do. But I like these guys: two old toys of mine;-) I like to play around with toys, drawing and quotes these days. This design you can also find on my society6 page as a shirt, bag and more...
I wish you all a good week!


  1. I'm thinking...
    I'm thinking...
    I'm thinking...

    ...but last week I was with the flu and my brain cells are still full of antibiotics, and slow to spin one idea to another :(

  2. good thinking, celine, although too much thinking.... you got it!

  3. du weißt, ich liebe solche figürchen auch. deine sind ganz besonders herzig!
    und deine farn-frau fand ich auch ganz super!
    liebe grüße aus dem garten von mano

  4. Hi C. my user manual (phone) only has 34 pages, so there will only be 34 hats (if I do not abandon the attempt, hi hi)
    thanks for your comment!!!!


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