Thursday, August 15, 2013

drawing to the big city

happiness hit her, 150x230cm

Last week I found out that this drawing of me has been selected for an exhibition. I'm happy with that because it's in the city Den Haag in a well-known kind of gallery. The exhibition is called "Body in motion" and the funny thing is that it's about sport, hihi! The opening is in two weeks and I'll let you know how it turned out...
If you want to see all my drawings, click here.


  1. Oh, das ist ja super! Gratuliere!
    Die Ausstellung kann ja dann nur ein "Hit" werden, hihi!

  2. glückwunsch zur ausstellung!
    pippi würde sich auch kringeln vor lachen! sport..!

  3. Oh, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm a stupid, I spent the whole afternoon wasting time on Pinterest, and not come to see your blog!
    Congratulations Celine!
    I send my good vibes :))

    You know I think your future is great, successful!!!! (I put all my chips to C.S. The Artist!)
    You know I do not like the analysis and criticism on art, but this drawing has two elements, which are strong, gloves and eyes. no one can stand in front of your work and say that has not been moved (if he says it, is because is a penguin) :)))
    (Maybe there is a third element: red color!)

  4. yesss! congratulations on that. oh, your pippis... how I love them!

  5. Looks really powerful, congrats!!

  6. yea, that is wonderful
    so happy for you!

  7. Great news. Celine! She will knock them out!

  8. Woo hooooooo!!! Congratulations, Celine!
    xo Carole


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