Thursday, February 21, 2013

so we wait

Is the title of this painting of me from 2010. It's one of my favorites. I like the colour green very much but almost all my work where I used it had just not the results that I wanted. I discovered I find it a hard colour the use. In this one it worked for me and I like the faces of the rabits with their very big ears. This painting is also in the exhibition I told you about. On saturday it will open and I'll tell you more about it next week!


  1. yes, this painting is one of my favorite too.
    i love how you combine aquarelle with tick paint application. Good luck with your exhibition :)

  2. I am with you on this painting. I just love it!

  3. I like that, in the pictures, the characters involved are not static, as if they were posing for the artist.
    I like, as in this case, what I can see, is like a photogram of a film.
    then I can see some dynamics in the work, and to assume that there is a story in which other people are involved, people that are not in the scene.
    obviously I love the break from reality you do changing human heads, for the head of rabbits.
    but I think this is not the most important element that gives quality to the work, the most important for me is the treatment, textures, colors, and space (as, virtual) in which you placed these people.
    Excellent for me, Celine!!!!! :)))

  4. I love these. I'm afraid I love these much more than your Pippis. more???

    happy sunday xxo

  5. ich wünsche dir viel glück bei der ausstellung und freu mich auf fotos davon! ich mag die kaninchendamen sehr!
    liebe grüße, mano

  6. i was already wondering where the animal theme popped up from, after the girls... now i see they chronologically came first. i dig that.

  7. Have to say I agree with you about rabbits heads with long long ears - gives this picture something animal and serious.
    Love it girl and glad it was part of the exhibition you did - hope you have more of those :)

  8. magnifique! I love it too! warm greetings from Paris!


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