Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This is a sketch of my mum and me. I drew it when we came back of a holiday in Finland in 2006. We went swimming and had so much fun with a underwatercamera and diving goggles. The sketch isn't very good but everytime I see it it makes me smile, because of the silly stuff we did. Today it's 5 years ago that she past away and I'm glad that I made this weird sketch of us.


  1. fijn om zulke waardevolle herinneringen te hebben en te koesteren, dat helpt :-) Ik denk aan je, Celine!

  2. My sympathies Friend Celine on this bittersweet anniversary. Hugs from sus

  3. Your mother will always be with you in these memories, big hug.

  4. it is good to have memories at least, this drawing is a tresor... you know, your post touches me a lot, my little brother went away in January, it makes 8 years now... it is not my favorite time of the year.
    (I am thinking of a lot: I should tell it on my blog or not? I am not sure about)
    Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt,
    x Stefanie

  5. liebe céline, ich denk an dich!
    ich finde es gut, dass du eine so schöne, fröhliche erinnerung an deine mum hast. ganz liebe grüße schickt dir mano

  6. Hi, Celine!
    I do not think it's a bad sketch
    It is a sketch made for you from your feelings
    And there are no rules that say a given feeling is better or worse than another
    This is a drawing that for your mother (and for you) is more valuable than another maded for any artist worldwide. I'm sure she, from where she is, loves your drawing. :)

  7. when sketches hold memories... sigh

    and i think you captured the fun silliness in those smiles.


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