Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a new beginning again!

A new year, a new drawing: This is a start, that I know I'll believe in!


  1. me too. so much. a new start, not as smooth as hoped for, but interesting and quite busy. things are moving forward, it looks like! cannot wait to see the new pippi!

  2. Another Pippi drawing? Cool!! I'm more than pleased... :D My year has also started off amazing. I don't know why but from the 1st of Jan everything has been so great and I feel happy. So sweet that you started the new year with a drawing. I started it with writing a lot. And making many plans and resolutions which I'll hopefully make come true! :)

  3. Je begint het jaar al meteen heel goed! Knap hoe je zo'n grote tekening met zo'n fijne streepjes opbouwt zonder de continuïteit te verliezen. Ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat!

  4. Knap hoor, een goed begin is......... succes!

  5. yes! there is no better way to start the year!
    I am glad to see your commitment!! :)

  6. Absolutely fabulous! Great photo of a great start! Happy 2012!!

  7. Wat heb je toch een geduld Celine. Super zo'n grote tekening!

  8. prachtig de 'kleine' Celine, bij de supergrote tekening, goeie foto en inderdaad wat een geduld!

  9. hej, super! eine neue pippi! freu mich drauf!


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