Friday, January 20, 2012

are they still in control?

Yes, I started another drawing, I hope you're not too bored by my fascination for big drawings and Pippi-girls with weapons. Well, I hope I can finish it this weekend. Wish you all a nice weekend and I hope you have better weather then me: rain, rain and some more rain. But the perfect weather to draw, so...


  1. Yay Pippi! Keep drawing! We've had snow, snow (a little unusual for here in these amounts)-- also perfect for drawing!

  2. hier auch: regen, regen, regen... ich werde an meinen schachteln arbeiten!
    von deinen pippis kann ich nicht genug bekommen. diese hier sieht ja schon sehr "erwachsen" aus! trotz regen: ein gutes wochenende, mano

  3. ben weer benieuwd naar de rest van deze pippi!


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