Monday, July 4, 2011

silly sorrow part 3

Tomorrow I'm going to Rotterdam for 1 week. I studied at the Willen de Kooning Academy and I lived there for 5 years. I left Rotterdam in 2003 and only visited friends for a day or so. Now I'm going back for a bit more days and I wonder how that will be. I picked some more of my cabinets to show you. This painting girl  and the mouse go well with Rotterdam, haha. The text is in mirror writing and it says in dutch "fuck geluk", which means "fuck happiness". In dutch it rhymes very nice. This cabinet is called "putting in change".
The next one is called "rainy days with views" and I'm standing in front of my window and hoping for nice weather for my trip!


  1. Viel Spaß beim Studieren. Deine Kunstwerke gefallen mir.
    LG Sabine

  2. I adore those little stories in a frame! and btw. you postcard arrived; thank you. what a nice idea to have something of you around.

  3. Maak er inspirerende week van in Rotterdam.
    Die kastjes zien er geweldig uit!
    grt, Helmi

  4. ich wünsch dir sonniges wetter und viele spannende tage. deine rahmen sind wieder wunderbar!
    liebe grüße von mano

  5. these cabinets are lovely, illustrative and funny!
    really good embed objects, to paintings...

    I wish you have great days in Rotterdam :-)

  6. wow, lovely, i really like this series of yr work, very inspiring. first one is great and funny :)
    i hope u had lovely time in Rotterdam.


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