Saturday, May 11, 2013

drawing challenge

This weeks host for the drawing challenge is Barbara and her theme is "smell"! A very interesting one because smell has everything to do with feelings and senses and what it does to you. You can smell something and remember something you thought you forgot, or travel back in time to your childhood. There are a lot of beautiful smells, like rain after a sunny day, or the smell of your skin in the sun, fresh baked bread or appels with cinamon. As I started drawing I realized my drawings are not that positive as the things I thought of... I let you decided;-) I think it has to do with the fact that my sense of smell, lets just say it's very well developed, the same goes for my sense of hearing. So it can turn into something negative very fast, even nice smells or sounds. I drive the people arround me crazy sometimes because they can't smell or hear it.

For more "smelly" things check out Barbara's blog, I'll see you there!


  1. deine zeichnungen sind diesmal besonders stark, ich mein, sie sind immer toll. aber vielleicht diesmal sind sie ein bisschen anders wegen deinen persönlichen worten dazu, hmhmhm....
    the first one smells good because of the red and pink but than it turns into a kind of aggressive...
    I love the sexual "thing" in the second one!
    x Stefanie

  2. Celine Ah, yes, sometimes other people do not hear or do not smell the same as us, and it is difficult to explain a smell. I think that smells are associated with memories, in our minds, much more than sound. I have in my head, smells from when I was a kid.
    I love the woman smelling mushrooms, maybe it has something psychedelic, (there are mushrooms, and there are other mushrooms) JA Ja!
    OK. I agree with S. there is a sexual thing in the second illustration. I think there are two things very sexy,
    1- hair
    2- small red balls hanging from her cleavage.

    but also, I see the sexy thing in the first.

    Celine, I love the unpainted areas that you leave in the drawings, white areas. And red nails are a very important detail in the structure of color in your painting!
    Congratulations, and good weekend!

  3. Now I see that little twinkle in his crotch, what a mystery! :)

  4. it's often difficult to describe a scent or smell with words
    and like you i often smell things that the others don't ;^))

    i like your second drawing the best
    admiring the drawing-lines and her face while smelling something
    that tickles her nose, ha!

    happy weekend!
    Patrice A.

  5. you're an animal, really, aren't you, celine? ;)))
    nothing wrong with proper earing and smelling, it's what turns you into an artist!

  6. Deine Zeichnungen finde ich auch mal wieder total grossartig, ein visuell sehr schwieriges Thema perfekt zeichnerisch umgesetzt!
    Ja und zu ausgeprägte Sinne können manchmal auch schwierig sein, du bist ganz offensichtlich hypersensibel, eine Künstlerseele eben.
    Danke fürs mitmachen!
    Ich folge dir jetzt auch!
    Alles Liebe Barbara

  7. deine beiden bilder sind toll - ich mag das erste besonders wegen der farben (die roten fingernägel!!) und das zweite wegen des starken ausdrucks.
    mir geht es oft ähnlich wie dir. ich habe eine sehr empfindliche nase und rieche dinge, die andere nicht wahrnehmen. ich könnte eine hundenase haben ;))!
    liebe grüße von mano

  8. Such great draftsmanship, Celine, as ever. The first drawing is my favorite: smell of psychedelic mushrooms (in my mind). xxoo, sus

  9. dear Celine, may I invite you? I am the host of the next d.c., hope you will be in!
    nice week to you x Stefanie

  10. Celine, I love both of your drawings, the intensity, the punctual use of bright colours, that certain weird and sexy note, too! I can nearly smell the mushrooms and the branch...and I'm absolutely with you in terms of aggressive smells, even the good ones...I have those days when I go and wash off my own perfume, 'cause it drives me crazy!

  11. Wonderful drawings, I love how you use the line and bright color! they are quirky but I would say sensual more than sexy, and yes it is hard to talk about smell- it's multidimensional really and base too so it affects us on a different level- my husband has very sensitive hearing and is always driving me crazy with little tiny sounds ;)

  12. intense, that's what came to my mind first looking at your drawings...and that's what your words tell me too,
    and i agree with Kristen, your work often has a wonderful sensuality, very present but mixed with a certain lightness which makes looking at it a unique sensation, xx


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