Friday, October 5, 2012

lovable lions

Last weekend we had some of the last beautiful, sunny days. Since then it's just rain, rain and some more rain. So we made a walk through Maastricht and visited the lions of Marjolein Mandersloot. She made these sculpures for a part of Maastricht that has been renewed and I just love them! They are made of cast iron but they look like stuffed animals and very cuddly. I wish you all a nice weekend, sunny or rainy: it really doesn't matter, just enjoy it!


  1. I have no idea why, but I am totally drawn to these little guys. can I have one for christmas please, auntie Céline ;-)

  2. sind die toll! ich dachte erst, es seien kuscheltiere aus leder! ich hab mir die website angesehen und finde marjoleins viecher unglaublich. das kamel!!!
    liebe grüße und dir ein schönes wochenende, mano

  3. Really, is iron? I thought it were leather, or something so, and that could move and put in different positions :)
    I wish you a nice weekend Cèline :)))))))))))

  4. hi céline, ich lade dich gern zur nächsten drawing challenge am 13./14.10. ein! mein thema ist TREIBHOLZ / DRIFTWOOD. du kannst wie immer malen, zeichnen, bauen, fotografieren, werkeln, collagieren.... etc etc.
    ich freu mich, wenn du dabei bist!
    liebe grüße von mano

  5. wat zien die er fijn uit!
    en waar precies in Maastricht?
    de zoon van mijn broer studeert daar
    dus als we hem gaan opzoeken
    kunnen meteen de leeuwen knuffelen!

    Patrice A.


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