Wednesday, February 9, 2011

her own little world

I used to make a lot of computer drawings, which I printed and framed for exhibitions. Every drawing was only printed once. So even it is made on the computer and I could printed as many as I wanted, every drawing is unique and an original. This drawing is special though, it's printed on a bigger size (40 cm x 60 cm) and there are 25 copies of it and numbered. It was made for an online sale and later for an exhibition.
Now I found the extra ones that where printed as a test and I decided to frame one for myself and hang it in my room. I still like the drawing, especially the bunnies:


  1. I love this one! It has a fairy tale touch with a good dose of irony.

  2. these are fantastic! I love that is whitish with few details.
    Bunnies are super :)

  3. Oh it's so cool! The bunnies are cute!

  4. I like your drawing too! the bunnies are really great!

  5. Erg leuk werk! De konijnen zo kris kras door elkaar getekend doet het erg goed! Zelf heb ik nog nooit op de computer iets getekend. Welk programma heb je hiervoor gebruikt? Ik vind het echt heel bijzonder, ook helder witte achtergronden die je ermee bereikt.
    Bedankt nog voor jouw aanmoedigingingen betreffende mijn zelfportret, het proces van stoppen/doorgaan kan soms eindeloos lijken :-)

  6. Love the drawings of the the bunny! Simply beautiful.

  7. I love your rabbits, they are great! U should make some rabbit patterned fabric, would be amazing!

  8. love the rabbits and how the eyes form a path of their own.


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