Thursday, January 6, 2011

in a world of puppets

In the last publication of the magazine FLOW, there was an artikel about Karen Saaman. She is the owner of Popjes Art and she gets inspired by vintage dolls of the sixties, on her website and shop you can find the dolls, but also cards and buttons. The magazine printed a picture of an old vintage cabinet where she had put het dolls and figures in. And I remembered that I have the same kind of cabinet on the attic! This is a great idea to put all my old puppets in my room again. I had them now all in different boxes and somethimes I would look at them. This kind of stuff makes me happy!
On the small picture below  you can see the whole cabinet, as you can see I still have some room left!


  1. This vintage cabinet is so big and perfect for little dolls and figures. And you have so many of them! I remember that I had exactly that kind of troll like you have there (the one with orange hair), but mine was bigger and with green hair. I think this cabinet would be cool to have in one's room and it brings back many good memories from childhood.

    We'll soon start renovating my room. I'm planning to make a little altar with incense sticks and a Buddha figure. I'll definitely put some other figures in my new room (we have pretty old little elephants and some porcelain animals). That means my cat Totu is not allowed to my room! But I'll try to make it as cosy as can be. I have so many ideas, don't know anything for sure. You're an artist, what do you recommend me?

  2. Wat leuk dat ik je geïnspireerd heb!
    Jouw letterbak is echt enorm groot zeg, kan je je lekker in uitleven. Ik zie al wat bekende bloemetjes en konijntjes staan :-)

  3. i have had so many of these things! the farm animals, fabuland flowers, the floating egg-type thing (we had blue pigs) and the fuzzy bear pendants... but i quite envy your bernard and bianca figurines.

    i've always had this type of cabinet up on my wall but it is only 4 by 6 cubbies, not enough at all.


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