Wednesday, December 14, 2011

waving in and out of wind

The weather is starting to be really bad: a lot of rain and storm. The minute the weather is getting bad, people start complaining about it, even if we had beautiful weather for the last two months. People are wearing their overcoats, gloves, warm boots and off course very, very, very big shawls. Sometimes so big that you can't even see their faces. I made a drawing out of it: strangled and fighting with your shawl, blowing in the wind.


  1. Oh yeah...I hate wearing a scarf. But unfortunately I have to or I'll get a cold.

  2. it is so nasty here too, but I kind of love it. snuggled up in the kitchen with hot apple juice, with cinnamon and ginger. no better way to face this!

  3. MOOI! Voor de 'postbode' extra zwaar! Succes in deze drukke tijd.

  4. the lady has a wonderful outfit!!

  5. i agree with Mano, love her outfit.
    i know what you mean about the big shawls that look a bit like an enormous blanket!
    xo sanrda

  6. yes, there are times when we feel 'truly rolled'
    a shawl or scarf - I like the humor in the drawing, great!

    here, more than 30 degrees ... :P


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