Monday, June 20, 2011

all is quiet

I'm working on a new project with my "pippi's: big drawings in only one colour. This drawing is 150 x 230 cm and the head is just a part of it that is already finished. I'm drawing with a red colour pencil and I can tell you it's a lot of work! But to my own surprice I like working with the colour pencil and after a while it's really restful. My head is empthy as I just draw one line after another. Pippi herself doesn't look peaceful at all, but that is another thing...Hopefully I can show you the whole drawing by the end of the week.


  1. Gorgeous marks Celine! WOW!
    I just spent some time on your website too- so impressive.
    I'm back following- I'm not blogging, but I just missed my art friends too much. I had to see your work!
    So I'm around- just in the background.
    I look forward to seeing where your red pencil takes you. Her eyes are fabulous!

  2. Wauw Celine, lijkt me geweldig om dit in het groot te zien! Prachtige lijnen en structuren, haar haar en haar jurk, echt gaaf!

  3. Das ist großartig! Gefällt mir sehr gut und hat sehr viel Ausdruck!

  4. liebe celine, dieses bild ist einfach nur großartig!!! mir haben ja schon deine cabinet's so gut gefallen, aber deine ein-farben-pippi ist wirklich wundervoll, die mimik, der blick - toll!

  5. great idea :) she's so beautiful and big, here it looks small..can wait to see more :)

  6. wow! yes,is a big drawing! and it looks fantastic!

    what you tell us about the "manual exercise"
    with color pencil, works as a beautiful meditation! what a delight ...
    in the end, pippi be more peaceful!

  7. Wow Celine dit is echt prachtig, mooi dat je de structuur van het haar heel anders hebt gemaakt dan de structuur van haar jurk, spannende nieuwe ontwikkeling! LoveLies en p.s je tuin is echt jaloersmakend love it! ;-)


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